
溃疡性 结肠炎


溃疡性结肠炎, 通常简称结肠炎, 是大肠(结肠)的一种慢性炎症性疾病,影响其内壁并导致小溃疡(溃疡)形成吗. 这种情况通常发生在下结肠和直肠,但也可能影响整个大肠. 溃疡性结肠炎 is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Most people with colitis are diagnosed before the age of 30, although the condition can develop at any time of life, from childhood to middle age and beyond. 与其他人群相比,白种人和犹太人的发病率更高.

当免疫系统攻击肠道细菌和结肠细胞时,就会发生溃疡性结肠炎, 引起炎症反应. The exact cause isn't yet determined. As in other types of IBD, heredity seems to play a role. 大约12%的溃疡性结肠炎患者有近亲患有相同的疾病或克罗恩病. It's also thought that environmental factors – such as viruses, 细菌或其他抗原-可能触发免疫系统活动,导致结肠炎.

Our approach to ulcerative colitis

UCSF为所有类型的IBD提供全面的评估和先进的护理, including ulcerative colitis. Our team includes many types of specialists – such as gastroenterologists, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜, 放射科十大赌博平台排行榜, 病理学家, 免疫学家, nutritionists and psychologists – who work collaboratively, 包括每个病人, to devise treatment plans that optimize wellness and meet individual needs. Our overarching goal is to improve our patients' quality of life.

In addition to caring for patients, our doctors are active in research to develop new therapies for IBD and, 最终, 一种治疗方法. 感兴趣的患者可以选择通过十大赌博靠谱网络平台临床试验来接受研究性治疗.

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  • usnews-neurology

    Among the top hospitals in the nation

  • One of the nation's best in gastroenterology & 胃肠道手术

迹象 & 症状

通常,结肠炎的第一个症状是大便逐渐松动或腹泻. The stool may be bloody and may occur with abdominal pain, cramps and a severe urgency to have a bowel movement. Skin lesions and pain in the joints also may occur. 结肠炎 can be associated with problems such as:

  • 关节炎
  • 眼睛发炎
  • 肝脏疾病,如肝炎、肝硬化和原发性硬化性胆管炎
  • 骨质疏松症
  • 皮疹
  • 贫血


你的十大赌博平台排行榜会询问你的病史并给你做身体检查. 然后进行粪便测试以确定引起腹泻的原因-结肠炎或其他疾病. 然后你将接受乙状结肠镜检查或结肠镜检查你的结肠.


乙状结肠镜检查, the doctor uses a special instrument called a colonoscope, 这是一个很长的, 柔性管,大约和你的食指一样粗,末端有一个微型摄像机和灯, to exam your rectum and lower part of your colon. 在手术过程中,我们会尽一切可能让你感到舒适. 你的血压、脉搏和血液中的含氧量将被仔细监测.

Your doctor will do a rectal exam with a gloved, lubricated finger; then the lubricated colonoscope will be gently inserted. As the scope is slowly and carefully passed, you may feel as if you need to move your bowels, and because air is introduced to help advance the scope, you may feel some cramping or fullness. Generally, however, there is little or no discomfort. 偶尔, 一些腹部压力, which may be provided by your nurse, 或者可能需要改变位置以避免结肠镜在腹部形成环路. 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会将检查范围向前推进,直到他或她检查了结肠的左侧. 然后,在对结肠进行彻底检查的同时,小心地取出范围. 在考试的这个阶段, 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会用结肠镜仔细检查任何息肉或其他可能需要评估的问题, 诊断或治疗. The procedure typically takes between 10 and 15 minutes.


The term "colonoscopy" means looking inside the colon. The colon, or large bowel, is the last portion of your digestive tract. 它的主要功能是在未被吸收的食物被消除之前储存它们. Colonoscopies are performed by a gastroenterologist, a doctor specially trained in digestive disorders. Your doctor will be assisted by specially trained nurses and technicians.

The procedure is performed using a colonscope. 这个装置很长, 柔性管,大约和你的食指一样粗,末端有一个微型摄像机和灯. By adjusting the various controls on the colonscope, 胃肠病学家可以仔细检查从肛门到盲肠的结肠内层. 结肠镜包含一个通道,允许仪器通过,以便采集组织或粪便样本, remove polyps and provide other therapy.

结肠镜的高质量图像显示在电视显示器上. 结肠镜检查 provides the best imaging of the colon at present. It is a more precise examination than X-ray studies. 这个过程也允许其他器械通过结肠镜. 这些可能会用到, 例如, to painlessly remove a suspicious-looking growth or to take a biopsy, during which a small piece of tissue is obtained, 进一步分析. 以这种方式, 结肠镜检查可以帮助十大赌博平台排行榜评估是否需要手术以及可能需要什么类型的手术.


Currently, the only cure for colitis is surgery. 然而,治疗方法可以缓解症状并抑制炎症过程. Therapy varies depending on the seriousness of the disease. Most people will require long-term medication. 在严重的情况下,如果发现癌症,可能需要手术切除患病的结肠.


药物治疗的目的是通过诱导和维持缓解来改善结肠炎患者的生活质量, 或者无症状期. There are three types of drugs most commonly prescribed to treat colitis. 这些药物包括氨基水杨酸盐、皮质类固醇和免疫调节药物.


An estimated 25 percent to 40 percent of patients will require surgery. This may be because medications are ineffective, they become dependent on corticosteroids, they have dysplasia (early cancer) or cancer, or they develop complications of the disease, 比如出血, 结肠破裂, 或者是结肠扩张. 在这种情况下,手术切除结肠和直肠,称为直结肠切除术,可能会被推荐. 不像克罗恩病, which can recur after surgery, colitis is cured once the colon has been removed. 然而,结肠炎相关疾病仍可能在手术后发生或进展. 例如, primary sclerosing cholangitis, 肝脏状况, 强直性脊柱炎, an inflammation of the lower back, will still progress after surgery. 手术 is followed by one of the following:

  • 回肠袋肛门吻合术. Also called a restorative proctocolectomy, this procedure preserves part of the anus, which allows the patient to have normal bowel movements. 外科十大赌博平台排行榜切除结肠的病变部分和直肠的内部, leaving the outer muscles of the anus. 然后,外科十大赌博平台排行榜从回肠末端制作一个袋,并将其连接到肛门内部. Waste is stored in the pouch and passed through the anus in the usual manner. 肠蠕动可能比手术前更频繁和水样,内袋的炎症是可能的并发症. 这就是众所周知的袋炎. 然而, 接受回肠吻合术的病人不需要佩戴永久性的外回肠造口袋.
  • 回肠造口术. During this surgical procedure, the surgeon creates a small opening in the abdomen, 叫做气孔, to which he or she attaches the end of the small intestine, 叫做回肠. 废物会穿过小肠,通过气孔排出体外, 它大约有25美分硬币那么大,通常位于腹部右下方靠近腰部的地方. 在开口处戴上一个袋子来收集废物,病人根据需要排空袋子.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

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